Co-Managed IT is becoming an increasingly popular solution for mid-sized businesses that want to optimize their IT operations without fully outsourcing their IT department.

In this article, we will explore why Co-Managed IT is a better solution for mid-sized businesses, what it entails, how it works, and when it is the right time to consider this approach.

What is a Co-Managed IT Solution?

A Co-Managed IT solution refers to a collaborative approach to managing an organization’s information technology (IT) infrastructure, where both the organization’s internal IT team and an external IT service provider work together to deliver IT services.

Unlike traditional managed IT services, where the provider handles all aspects of IT, Co-Managed IT works in conjunction with an existing in-house IT team. This partnership enables businesses to tap into the specialized knowledge and resources of a managed services provider while maintaining control over their IT operations.

In this arrangement, the internal IT team continues to be responsible for the day-to-day management of the IT infrastructure, while the external service provider provides support, guidance, and expertise to augment the internal team’s capabilities.

How Does a Co-Managed IT Solution Work?

In a Co-Managed IT arrangement, the managed IT services provider (MSP) works alongside the internal IT staff, filling in the gaps and providing additional support and expertise. The specific tasks and responsibilities can vary depending on the needs of the business.

Here’s how a co-managed IT solution works:

  1. Assessment: The external IT service provider conducts assessments for an organization’s IT infrastructure, identifying areas where co-management can help improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance security.
  2. Service Level Agreement (SLA): The organization and the external IT service provider agree on a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that outlines the scope of work, response times, uptime guarantees, and other performance metrics.
  3. Roles and Responsibilities: The internal IT team and the external IT service provider define their roles and responsibilities, ensuring that there is no overlap. The external IT service provider handles tasks that require specialized skills or resources, such as advanced security, cloud management, or IT project management.
  4. Communication: Regular communication between the internal IT team and the external IT service provider is established to ensure seamless coordination and collaboration. This includes regular meetings, status updates, and issue resolution processes.
  5. Monitoring and Management: The external IT service provider monitors and manages the IT infrastructure, identifying and resolving issues before they become major problems. They also work closely with the internal IT team to ensure that issues are addressed quickly.
  6. Reporting: The external IT service provider provides regular reports to the organization, summarizing IT performance, uptime, and other metrics. These reports help the organization make informed decisions about its future IT projects.
  7. Continuous Improvement: The co-managed IT solution is continuously monitored and improved, with regular assessments and optimization efforts to ensure the organization’s IT infrastructure remains aligned with its business objectives.

When’s the Right Time to Consider a Co-Managed IT Solution?

Mid-sized businesses often reach a tipping point where their in-house IT team struggles to handle the growing demands of their IT infrastructure.

There are several signs that may indicate it’s the right time to consider a co-managed IT solution for your business:

1. Your IT team is overwhelmed

If your internal IT team is struggling to keep up with the demands of your business, it may be time to consider augmenting their efforts with a co-managed IT solution.

2. Your IT infrastructure is outdated

If your IT infrastructure is aging or outdated, it may be time to consider upgrading or migrating to a more modern solution. A co-managed IT solution can help you assess your current infrastructure and develop a plan for upgrading or replacing it.

3. You’re experiencing frequent downtime or outages

If your business is frequently experiencing downtime or outages, it can be a sign that your IT infrastructure is not being properly managed. A co-managed IT solution can help you identify the root causes of these issues and implement solutions to prevent them from happening in the future.

4. You’re struggling to keep up with security threats

Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and it can be difficult for internal IT teams to keep up with the latest threats and best practices. A co-managed IT solution can provide advanced security expertise and tools to help protect your business from cyber threats.

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5. You’re experiencing rapid growth

If your business is experiencing rapid growth, it can be challenging for your internal IT team to keep up with the increased demand for IT services. A co-managed IT solution can provide additional resources and expertise to help support your growing business.

6. You want to improve IT efficiency

A co-managed IT solution can help you streamline your IT operations and improve efficiency by leveraging the latest tools, technologies, and best practices.

7. You want to reduce IT costs

A co-managed IT solution can help you reduce IT costs by identifying areas of inefficiency and implementing solutions that are more cost-effective.

8. You want to improve IT governance

A co-managed IT solution can help you improve IT governance by implementing policies, procedures, and best practices that align with industry standards and regulations.

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9. You want to enhance IT innovation

A co-managed IT solution can provide access to the latest technologies and expertise, enabling your business to stay ahead of the competition and take advantage of new IT innovations.

10. You want to improve customer satisfaction

A co-managed IT solution can help you improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that your IT infrastructure is reliable, secure, and responsive to their needs.


For mid-sized businesses in Orlando, TickTockTech stands out as the best IT company. With our Co-Managed IT solutions, we offer a unique approach that combines the strengths of your in-house IT team with our expertise and resources. Our proactive approach, cost-effectiveness, and scalability ensure that your IT infrastructure remains reliable and secure, supporting your business’s growth and success. Trust TickTockTech for all your IT needs, and experience the power of Co-Managed IT.