TickTockTech is dedicated to providing the best in technology services. We provide same day, onsite service with a free estimate, discounted pricing structure and a money back guarantee. Being the best in Winnipeg is always are goal and we have just made one step closer.

Rather than taking all of your tech in, you can have a technician come to you, evaluate your technology where you use it, and fix it right then and there.

Everyone we know has integrated tech devices and WIFI into our homes and daily lives. Society uses computers every day. We are pulling out our phones multiple times a day and sometimes multiple times an hour. We spend countless hours using screens for work, for school, for socializing, and for playing. When one of these devices misbehaves, it affects almost every aspect of our life.

How many times have we heard one of these phrases?

  • “Is the WIFI down?”
  • “The Internet isn’t working!”
  • “My battery is dying already!”
  • “This is taking so long to load!”
  • “The lag is killing me!”
  • “The meeting is frozen again!”

These phrases and others like them are screamed in frustration thousands of times a day across Winnipeg. In fact, they can be heard across Canada, and across the world! This is why TickTockTech has not only focused on being the best in Winnipeg. We also focus on being the Best in Canada, being the Best in the USA, and Being the best in the world!

We are happy to accept the recognition as the best tech service for Winnipeg. BestInWinnipeg.com specifically notes our data recovery ability, however, supporting your technology goes much further than that.

We are happy to be the best option for you and look forward to working with you on all your technology installation & repair needs.