Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

Utah Mom’s in the Tech Business

Being a parent is hard enough. Then adding work at the same time to provide for the children you have at home is overwhelming. Especially in this time with the Pandemic going on. It is hard to keep a job with so many places letting people go. With Utah being one of the top tech business places in the US, many have been changing their occupation.

Does that mean changing careers is the problem solver? In some cases, it has helped the woman in the workplace get decent pay. It has also added flexibility needed for them to stay home. In Ogden, Utah, there is a way to ease the transition from one occupation to another. This program is called Tech-Moms. 

Tech-Moms stated that Tech-Moms is “an organization specifically designed for Utah mothers looking to develop skills and connections to launch their careers in the state’s bustling tech sector”. Essentially, Tech-Moms is an education-based training system that lasts for about 8 weeks that allows them to get into the tech door. After they have completed the course, they can go on and get more education or try to get an entry-level job. 

What does the Program Include?

If you get into the program, it will train you in a few very important things. First thing is Coding. This is such a fun thing to learn if you love problem solving. 

Natalie Taylor, a mother who went through the program said, “I never thought in a million years that coding would be something I would enjoy,” she said. “Little did I know that my personality could solve computer problems well. It lit up a part of my brain that had never ignited before… a new fire inside of me and brought me hope I haven’t known or seen in so many years. It brought a part of me to life that I honestly had lost sight of for a long time.”

Once you are done learning coding, you move onto finding different tech careers. Some who finished the program were able to land tech careers in Degreed, Bamboo HR, Skill Struck, Vistaprint, 3M, MX and other local tech companies.

Lastly, the program will help build a strong network designed specifically to support women.  

TickTockTech Can Help

With all the tech jobs that are opening around Utah, there does come a catch. With technology running all the time, there is bound to have a problem or two pop up every once in a while. TickTockTech is here with trained employees to help the situation and solve the problem. Especially for the Small-Medium size companies they are excellent at getting rid of ransomware or any type of security issue that may arise. 

TickTockTech is also wonderful for the people who get to work out of their homes. The employees can give a free estimate with no obligation to fix the problem. Where we live in a high tech world, TickTockTech is up to date on all the security features and has you covered. 

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!