Brand-new cars are cool, and reliable, but can be expensive in most cases, especially if you have a high taste. Just like the computer system, where you can get a used laptop, this is also applicable to cars. There are two ways to get a used car, either from a reliable owner willing to sell, or Car dealers Auctions. Auto auctions are a significant part of the wholesale market for used cars in the United States. Only dealers are permitted to use closed auctions in the majority of states. There were 139 used vehicle auction websites in the US that were exclusive to auto dealers as of 2018. The Barrett-Jackson vehicle auction location is one of the busiest automotive events in Phoenix, Arizona.
Though they are mostly utilized for historic automobiles you won’t find anyplace else, there are outdoor car auctions that aim to attract the best bids. A ring guy is responsible for detecting bidders for each row of automobiles that are arranged in a row. People put wagers, and the highest bidder wins like in any auction. If there are no strong, capable bidders, you could get the finest deals for a car for as little as $500. If you’re considering taking this path to get your ideal automobile, you should know exactly where you want to end up. Come along for the ride.
Auto Auctions in 2024
More and more individuals are taking part in car auctions, both online and off, and purchasing automobiles without ever seeing them in person.
Auctions often take place in more than one US state. Numerous vehicles are prepared for auction at these open-house events. There are now more car auctions than ever before, and the platforms are selling all kinds of cars, including electric and driverless ones, thanks to the expansion of internet marketplaces.
There are both classic and contemporary vehicles up for sale here. When an object is up for auction, the auctioneer will often set a low starting price in the hopes of receiving several bids.
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Every time someone places a higher bid, the price goes up until nobody is prepared to pay more than the top bid, at which point the item is claimed by the highest bidder. Although this might potentially increase the car’s price, it is often reserved for antique luxury vehicles. Low bids mean you can still drive away with a $500 car.
Furthermore, many vehicles up for sale may contain a flaw or were once defective. Nonetheless, sustainability and openness are becoming increasingly important in the sector, with auctions placing a premium on environmentally friendly procedures and offering more details on the cars up for sale.
Barrett-Jackson Car Auction Events in 2024
Barrett-Jackson, The World’s Greatest Collector Car Auctions, is the industry standard for collector car auctions and automotive lifestyle events. It was formed in 1971 by business partners Tom Barrett and Russ Jackson and is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. During the nine-day major auction event, over 1,700 automobiles and 1,100 automotive components will be on display.
Barrett-Jackson focuses on providing services and products to informed collectors and historic car owners, as well as global automotive enthusiasts. Barrett-Jackson’s The World’s Greatest Collector Car Auctions, held in Scottsdale, Arizona; Palm Beach, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Las Vegas, Nevada, feature hundreds of the most sought-after, rare, and expensive automobiles on the block in front of a worldwide audience. They offer the most appealing and diverse merchandise, as well as reliable and transparent client service.

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There are several auctions slated for 2024, mainly in Phoenix. Although the Scottsdale auction was conducted in January 20 – 28, WestWorld of Scottsdale will have another Fall Auction on the weekend of October 10-13, 2024. The four-day 2024 Scottsdale Fall Auction will also have additional entertainment and leisure components. Barrett-Jackson President Steve Davis issued a statement that blamed the situation on an increase in consignments.
To save time at the Barrett-Jackson auction, purchase your tickets online in advance. To purchase tickets, please create an account at or download the AXS Tickets app. You may use the app to offer tickets to loved ones. Bring your major credit and debit cards, since the event will not take cash. Learn about restricted items and the clear bag policy. Additionally, plan your parking and transportation, download the Barrett-Jackson Live app, and be ready for a faultless experience.
Tips for Buying Auctioned Cars at Barrett-Jackson
To start, you can obtain a bidder badge by registering for an auction either online, by calling (at), or by visiting the auction office in person. In order to start the bidding process, you need to prove your financial credibility. You may do this with a bank letter of guarantee, pre-approval with Woodside Credit, or a wire transfer guarantee.
Once you’ve been pre-qualified as a bidder, you’ll have access to a variety of auction blocks, including the world-renowned Barrett-Jackson one. You are also eligible to receive a pair of tickets to the Opening Night Gala of the Scottsdale Auction if you are a Tier 1 bidder.
Before you put a bid, be sure you understand the auction process well. Every item that is auctioned off is referred to as a “Lot” and has a “Lot number.” The most up-to-date information may be found in the online docket at Also, when you get to the auction site in the morning, you may look over the “daily lists” that describe the cars that will be sold that day.

When the hammer falls, the Lot automatically goes to the highest bidder. It is therefore critical that you explore and examine the Lot(s) that spark your interest. Bidding can be done immediately from the staging lanes to the block or from your seat on the auction floor.
If you cannot attend a Barrett-Jackson auction in person, you may become an absentee bidder. In addition to supplying the same information required for in-person bidding, you must additionally complete an absentee bidder registration form and pay a fee. There are several options for absentee bidding, including internet, phone, and proxy bidding.
Barrett-Jackson’s licensed collector vehicle shipping businesses are ready to assist with this task and will handle the Lot, transporting it to any preferred location.
8 Tips to follow When Attending Auto Auctioning Events in 2024
To have a successful and pleasurable experience with Barrett-Jackson, we recommend:
- Conduct extensive research on the makes and models you are interested in. Create a clear budget for your purchase.
- Attend pre-auction gatherings to inspect vehicles and ask questions.
- Be familiar with Barrett-Jackson’s buyer terms and conditions.
- Any automobile you’re considering should be thoroughly inspected.
- Set realistic expectations and be ready to adjust your plan based on bidding dynamics.
- Secure finance alternatives before to the auction to expedite the purchasing procedure.
- Check the vehicle’s history for any potential red flags.
- If you are new to car auctions, attend with an experienced buyer or adviser.
Pros and Cons of Buying Car Auctions
Pro Benefits of Car Auctions
- Compared to dealerships, car auctions offer significant savings. By fostering a more open and competitive market, auctions drive down buyer prices.
- Automobile auctions offer luxury vehicles, everyday drivers, and classic cars. There are cars with different mileage, makes, models, and conditions available.
- Prior to the auction, the vehicle’s history, state, and flaws are made public. in order for purchasers to decide with knowledge and to prevent surprises after the sale.
- Unlike traditional car sales, auctions do not allow haggling. The fact that you pay what you bid makes the process easier.
- Rare or vintage automobiles that dealerships might not have are sold at auctions. For those who enjoy cars, these vehicles are wise investments because of their gradual appreciation.
Cons of Auction Vehicle
- Although the auction procedure is open to the public, vehicles might have hidden flaws or histories. Do your homework on the vehicle before placing a bid.
- Unlike dealerships, auctions sell cars without warranties. Any issues or repairs after the sale are the buyer’s responsibility.
- After the auction, buyers are unable to return items. Before placing a bid, you must be certain of your purchase.
- Buyers must inspect the vehicle before placing a bid, and the cost of the inspection is not refundable. Costs may increase, particularly if the vehicle has unreported problems.
- In addition to the bid price, car auctions usually include a buyer’s premium, taxes, and registration fees. The cost of the car may increase by thousands as a result of these fees.
Will you Find Your Dream Ride at Barrette-Jackson?
Exploring the Barrett-Jackson auctions in Phoenix reveals a world in which finding your dream ride is not only possible, but also an exhilarating experience. With over 1,700 automobiles and 1,100 automotive components on display during the major auction event, this automotive extravaganza caters to a wide range of tastes. Barrett-Jackson auction provides a dynamic platform for those looking for rare classics or luxurious modern vehicles. The auctions, held at various locations, bring together knowledgeable collectors and automobile enthusiasts, resulting in a lively atmosphere. Attendees can take part in the bidding process, making the prospect of discovering and purchasing their dream ride at Barrett-Jackson an exciting and real possibility.