Have you ever wondered why someone would say something so rude or unwanted in a social media conversation? It happens so frequently on so many different platforms including facebook, twitter, and instagram. The trolling that occurs is sometimes overwhelming and can poison a conversation. Some conversation just want to be informative, give an opinion, or ask a question. To limit this from happening, there are some solutions to solve the problem.
One Solution
Many social media platforms will have an option to delete someone’s comment if they are saying something wrong. There is a catch to this though. If you are not the author of the post, then you cannot delete someone else’s comment that was made. There is a roundabout way to fix this. Talking to the author and asking for them to delete the awful comment works but can be a huge pain.
Another Solution
Admins are put in place and can block people from being a part of a healthy group conversation. These are usually the people that start the groups and they can add people as admins to help filter all the comments that are not appropriate. This is not exactly a perfect plan though because some things are missed. This can happen as the groups get larger and there are not enough admins to filter or if the admins just become too busy and can no longer keep up with what is happening.
Twitter Solution
Twitter has announced a new setting that will block users for seven days if they violate a healthy conversation. On KSL’s website it states, “Twitter will launch a safety feature that would allow users to temporarily block accounts for seven days for using harmful language or sending uninvited replies, on the social media platform”. Since this is a new thing, it is hard to say how well it will work.
They do have some things put into place to make sure that they are not blocking people that are meant to be in the conversation. Some of the things are the length of time that they have been friends and their existing relationship.
Because this is a new thing, it is going to be a bit before it is released to everyone. It is being tested with a focus group right now on IOS, Android, and Twitter.com.
Perfect Solution
I do not think there is a perfect solution to this problem. I do believe that we can all be respectful and comment without harassing, trolling, or anything that is hurtful. Since we are all different, we will all have different opinions on certain subjects but that does not mean we need to be hurtful when we express our different views. Healthy conversations are important in any type of life and it is nice to have platforms to share those conversations on.
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