Dental Implants have changed the way people fix their smiles, with one of the most innovative techniques being the “All-on-Four” dental implant procedure. This method offers a comprehensive solution for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth. At Stubbs Dental in Lehi, this transformative procedure is at the forefront, providing patients with a chance to regain both confidence and oral function. Let’s explore how all-on-four implants work and why Stubbs Dental Lehi is a leader in this field.

What Are All-on-Four Implants?

All-on-four implants provide a comprehensive solution for patients missing several or all of their teeth. In this technique, the upper or lower set of teeth is replaced with just four implants. Also, these implants act as a support mechanism for placing a new set of fixed teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, which rest on the gums, All-on-Four implants are securely anchored into the jawbone, providing stability and functionality similar to natural teeth.

How do all-on-four implants work?

The All-on-Four procedure involves the strategic placement of four dental implants in the jawbone to support a full arch of prosthetic teeth. These implants, typically made of titanium, fuse with the bone through a process called osseointegration, creating a strong and permanent foundation for the replacement teeth.

1. Initial Assessment: The process begins with a comprehensive examination of the patient’s oral health, including X-rays and digital imaging to assess bone density and structure, crucial for precise implant placement.

2. Treatment planning: Based on the assessment, the team develops a personalized treatment plan. It outlines the needed implant number and their optimal positioning for support and aesthetics.

Stubbs Dental Lehi: How Do All-on-Four Implants Work?

3. Implant placement: During the procedure, the dentist surgically places four implants at specific angles in the jawbone. The strategic positioning maximizes bone support and minimizes the need for bone grafting, making All-on-Four implants suitable for many patients, even those with reduced bone volume.

4. Attachment of Prosthetic Teeth: The implants receive temporary prosthetic teeth, letting patients leave with a functional smile the same day. These temporary teeth resemble natural teeth and provide immediate aesthetic and functional benefits while the implants heal.

5. Final restoration: After several months, once the implants integrate fully with the bone, the dentist replaces the temporary prosthetic teeth. They then attach custom-made, permanent restorations. These are crafted to match the patient’s natural teeth closely, ensuring a seamless and lifelike smile.

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Benefits of All-on-Four Implants

1. Improved functionality: All-on-four implants allow for better chewing and speaking compared to traditional dentures. They are securely anchored in the jawbone, eliminating the risk of slipping or shifting.

2. Enhanced aesthetics: The prosthetic teeth attached to All-on-Four implants are designed to look and feel like natural teeth, restoring a patient’s smile and confidence.

3. Preservation of bone density: By stimulating the jawbone, dental implants help preserve bone density and prevent the deterioration of facial structure that can occur with tooth loss.

4. Enhanced confidence: With a permanent, natural-looking smile, patients can regain their confidence and enjoy improved self-esteem and quality of life.

5. Convenience: Unlike all-on-four implants and removable dentures are permanent and require no adhesives or special cleaning solutions. Patients can enjoy a hassle-free oral care routine.

6. Immediate results: Patients can leave the office with a brand-new smile on the same day as their surgery, eliminating the need for multiple appointments and long waiting periods.

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Why Choose Stubbs Dental Lehi for All-on-Four Implants?

1. Expertise: The team at Stubbs Dental Lehi consists of highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in implant dentistry, staying abreast of the latest advancements in the field.

2. State-of-the-art technology: With advanced technology, including digital scanning and 3D imaging, Stubbs Dental Lehi ensures precise treatment planning and implant placement.

3. Patient-centered approach: Prioritizing patient comfort and satisfaction, the staff at Stubbs Dental Lehi listens to each patient’s concerns and tailors treatment plans to meet individual needs.

4. Comprehensive care: From the initial consultation to the final restoration, Stubbs Dental Lehi provides comprehensive care every step of the way. Additionally ensuring exceptional service and support throughout the implant journey.


All-on-four implants offered at Stubbs Dental Lehi represent a cutting-edge solution for patients with missing teeth. With immediate results, improved stability, and looks that are more natural. Also, this innovative technique has transformed implant dentistry. Providing countless patients with a reason to smile again. If you’re considering all-on-four implants, Stubbs Dental Lehi is the place to turn for exceptional care and lasting results. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward a brand-new smile.


Q: How do All-Four implants work?

A: All-on-four implants work by anchoring a full arch of prosthetic teeth to four dental implants surgically placed in the jawbone. These implants integrate with the bone, providing a stable and durable foundation for the replacement teeth. Also, resulting in a natural-looking smile that functions like natural teeth.

Q: What are the benefits of all-on-four implants?

A: Some benefits of all-on-four implants include improved functionality for eating and speaking. Also enhanced aesthetics, long-term stability, and preservation of jawbone structure.

Q: How long does the All-on-Four procedure take?

A: The All-on-four procedure usually needs 1-2 visits for implants and same-day temporary teeth attachment. The final restoration is completed once the implants have fully integrated with the bone, which may take several months.

Q: Are all-on-four implants suitable for everyone?

A: While all-on-four implants are a versatile option for many patients. Their candidacy depends on various factors such as oral health, bone density, and overall medical history. A dental professional must evaluate to see if all-on-four implants suit an individual.