Carrying or hauling around your computer devices might be stressful especially when it involves only software or little stuff. You could be trying to operate something quite complex but couldn’t get it done with online recourses. Or trying to connect two desktops or a laptop with a desktop remotely where they’ll have the same data. You can grant or accept access to people from anywhere to connect with your computer or help do some operations on the desktop or laptop.
This process is called the Remote Desktop operation where you can grant someone access over the operation of your computer either for a guild or remote repair. This can be done in some very simple steps which will be discussed in this post. It’s compulsory you only share your desktop access only with someone you trust or a well-known repair company. There are two methods you can use to get your remote desktop connections done. One is by doing it manually while the other is by using third-party apps like Google remote desktop app or Team Viewer.
How to Connect remotely using Google Remote Desktop in 4 Steps
- Download google chrome and install Google remote Desktop app on both Primary and secondary devices
- search for chrome remote desktop on google and install the program. You’ll have to sign in preferably in your Gmail account. You can also install the remote desktop app\
- Choose a name for the account and create a password pin and start the setup. Once you’re done with set up on your primary desktop, then you login to chrome on your secondary devices (phone or laptop). Sign in to the remote desktop page with the same username and password pin you used on your primary device.
- A Desktop profile will show up and then you can connect to it and it will just share the screen. Note that there must be an internet connection on your secondary desktop/laptop and your desktop at home must be running, which means you’ll have to turn off all sleep settings.
How to Connect remotely using Window Desktop Manual in 3 Steps
- Go to the Start menu of the secondary desktop and right-click, then select the “system” option. On the left side of the screen, selec6 the “Advanced System Settings” option and click “remote” on the new options. From here, you checklist the “Allow remote connection to this computer” and save the setting.
- On the primary computer, on the search bar, type in “remote desktop” and click on the “remote desktop connection” option. Input the secondary computer name or its IPv4 address. You can get the IP address from their wifi details. You can also get your IP address from the command prompt and type in “ipconfig” and then enter. This will bring out your ipV4 address.
- After entering the IP address, your two computers are connected automatically and you can perform remote operations.