Laptops are subjected to different kinds of damage, on both the hardware and software. Damages from places you might never even expect. The hinge of a laptop, as you might assume, is just two metals joining the laptop PC together. However, when they get damaged, especially for a long period, they don’t go down alone. This is due that It has wires and components passing through it to connect everything on the other half of the computer.

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Broken hinges can affect the connections of the monitor to the motherboard and need repair asap. This happens in most laptops with spaces within their openings like in the HP Pavilion 15. Like the normal door, closet, or wardrobe hinges, laptop hinges function similarly. They are made of two high-quality metal parts that snap together and shut using a metal pin in the middle. This makes it subjected to the same kind of damage, which means it could get broken. Not only will this affect the opening and closing of your laptop, but also nearby components, especially if left for long. To DIY fix a broken hinge in Phoenix, AZ, and prevent future causes here’s all you need to know.

1. Get appropriate dissembling tools

Gather a set of small screwdrivers, including flat-head and Phillips varieties, some prying tools, such as plastic spudgers or guitar picks, and adhesive, if reattachment is necessary, before starting the repair.

Related: Tools needed for DIY computer repair.

2. Check the extent of damage

Completely turn off and disconnect your laptop from the power source. Remove the battery if you can to avoid any electrical risks while the repair is being done. Next, carefully assess the damaged hinge to see how severe it is. Inspect the region surrounding the hinge for any indications of cracks, missing or loose screws, or damage to adjacent parts.

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If there are needs for just fixing (when it’s the hinge house spoilt) you can get a bond or glue that helps with your hinge (if it’s a hard plastic or metal ). On the other hand, if it requires replacement, you need to get a new one. In case it needs replacement, follow the steps further.

3. Dissemble the laptop and Remove the broken hinge

Consult the user manual for your laptop or look online for disassembly instructions unique to your laptop model. To access the hinge assembly, remove the required parts—such as the keyboard, display bezel, and bottom cover—according to the instructions.

How to repair a broken Hinge on your laptop in Phoenix

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Disconnect any connections or connectors that are attached to the hinge after you have gotten access to it. Remove the damaged hinge from the laptop’s frame by unscrewing it.

4. Replacing the hinge

Find a new hinge that works with the model of your laptop. Replacement hinges are available online or from vendors of laptop parts. Install the replacement hinge cautiously, making sure that the screw holes are properly aligned. Put the new hinge in place using the proper screws or fasteners. Make sure they are sufficiently, but not excessively, tightened to prevent harming the laptop’s frame.

When replacing the hinge, take note of the following;

Positioning: Ensure that the new hinge is precisely lined up with the laptop’s attachment holes. Make sure the orientation matches the location of the preceding hinge. This will guarantee the display’s alignment and good operation.

Secure attachment: To firmly attach the hinge, use the correct screws. Make sure the screws are snug without being overtightened as you cautiously but firmly tighten them. This will guarantee that the hinge remains firmly attached throughout routine use.

Open and close the laptop to examine the hinge’s smoothness of movement. There should be no resistance or unevenness, and it should run smoothly. Double-check the screw alignment and tightness if you encounter any problems.

Once the hinge is in place, examine the laptop’s display to make sure it operates properly. Check that the hinge securely keeps the display in place without any wobbling or instability by opening and closing the laptop many times.

5. Reassemble and Test

Reassemble the laptop by snapping the plastic bezel or cover back into place or fastening it with the screws after reinstalling the hinge. Double-check the alignment of the laptop’s parts and the tightening of all screws. Open and close the laptop when reassembly is finished to check that the new hinge is working properly. Make sure the display moves open and shut without resistance or swaying.

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Effects of Leaving a broken hinge without repair

Leaving your laptop hinge damaged, or trying to “manage” the laptop that way until you get a new one won’t be a good decision. A damaged hinge cannot only be a harbinger of further laptop damage but also lose a lot of value even if it’s “minimal. This can lead to further damages, especially on screen, injury to the owner, and a reduction in the value of the laptop.

Damage to crucial peripherals and display

A broken hinge puts undue stress on other components of the laptop, such as the LCD screen and keyboard. This additional strain can result in further damage to these parts, leading to costly repairs. The display may become loose or wobbly, making it difficult to position the screen correctly and causing an uncomfortable viewing experience. For instance, if the hinge is broken and the laptop is closed, the weight of the lid can damage the delicate LCD screen. Repairing or replacing the LCD screen can be quite expensive.

Injury and Hazard

The laptop screen may not remain firmly in place when the hinge is damaged, making it more vulnerable to unexpected collapses or falls. This poses a risk to anyone around, especially if the laptop falls off a table or onto someone’s lap. It also puts the laptop itself at risk of severe damage.

In addition, the functioning of the laptop’s power and data cords may be impacted by a broken hinge. There is a chance of electrical risks like short circuits or even electrical shocks if these cables are exposed to the elements or damaged as a result of the broken hinge.

Reduction in the value of the laptop

Even if you decide to go on with the usage of your laptop with a faulty hinge, when you decide to swap or sell, this will be checked. Any obvious damage or problems will be noted by prospective purchasers when it’s time to upgrade or sell your laptop. Since broken hinges are a symptom of future mechanical issues and improper maintenance, they can significantly lower the resale value of your laptop.

In general, buyers are prepared to spend more on a laptop that is in good shape and has no evidence of damage. A broken hinge casts doubt on the laptop’s overall health and could turn away potential purchasers, which need repair.

FAQs Answered on How you can Fix Computer Hinge

Can I prevent my laptop hinge from breaking in the future?

While it may not be possible to eliminate the risk of a laptop hinge breaking, there are some steps you can take to minimize the chances. These include handling your laptop with care, avoiding excessive force when opening or closing the lid, using both hands to open the laptop, and keeping your laptop in a protective case or sleeve when not in use. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and lubricating the hinge, can also help prevent issues.

Can I repair a broken hinge on my laptop by myself?

Yes, it is possible to repair a broken hinge on your laptop by yourself if you have the necessary tools and knowledge. However, it can be a complex process, so it’s recommended to have some experience or seek professional help if you’re unsure.

Is it possible to replace just the hinge or do I need to replace the entire laptop lid?

It depends on the laptop model and the extent of the damage. In some cases, you may be able to replace just the hinge, while in others, the entire laptop lid may need to be replaced. It’s best to consult the laptop’s service manual or seek professional advice for your specific situation.

What should I do if I’m not confident in my ability to repair the hinge myself?

If you’re not confident in your ability to repair the hinge yourself, it’s recommended to seek professional help in Phoenix. Taking your laptop to a reputable repair shop or contacting the manufacturer’s support can ensure that the repair is done properly and minimize the risk of further damage.


In conclusion, a broken hinge on a laptop can have several negative consequences, ranging from further damage to the laptop’s components and decreased resale value to safety hazards and inconvenience. However, to repair a broken hinge is possible, either through DIY methods or by seeking professional help. It’s important to gather the necessary tools, follow step-by-step instructions, and prioritize safety. Remember to consider the specific model of your laptop and consult relevant resources for guidance. If unsure, it’s recommended to seek professional assistance to ensure a proper repair and optimal functionality of your laptop.