TickTockTech Repair Service

Hardware/Software Upgrades

Still running Windows 7? Maybe your trying to get by with 4GB of ram?  Or maybe you’re tempting fate by letting that 6+ year old hard drive hold your important files?  If any of these situations sound familiar, it’s time to upgrade.  From security concerns to component failure to better efficiency, your computer should be there to give you piece of mind and to help you do the things you want to do.

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    Call today for free Onsite Estimate!

    (888) 958-7032

    What We Offer

    TickTockTech’s certified technicians can help you and your computer run more efficiently. They’ll take the time to educate you on the best products and programs that are compatible with you and your system.  After helping you select the best software and components, they’ll install it all for you so you can be assured it will work properly.

    Virus Removal

    Why Our Service

    You might see competing services offering this service. Often, they have alternative motives to sell the product they have in the store, so you generally end up with a hard sell.  TickTockTech doesn’t carry inventory that our technicians need to hard sell to you.  Instead you’ll receive polite, educational consultation followed by an expert installation.

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