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Smart tech and artificial intelligence are one of the most incorporated tech innovations right now. Almost all appliances are having smart gestures for operation, or an AI robotic command (speech especially). Nowadays, home gadgets are becoming smart and more convenient to use with the invention of fast connectivity, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and robotic machine learning. This AI, as in google home and echo enables you to give a voice command to your devices without even having to touch them before operating, and that’s not the best part, because, in coming years, they’ll only get smarter.

For instance, you can control every of your home appliances altogether using a set of Alexa or Bluetooth-powered devices, another example is Samsung’s SmartThings, which allows you to control all of your home’s linked gadgets. When we talk about smart gadgets like speakers for homes, and then we all know google and amazon echo are one of the facilitators of smart home appliances. The google home (google Nest) can work as many things one being as a smart speaker that you can control via voice and app when connected to your other devices. The google home app isn’t just the speaker as it also helps you set up and control Home speakers and displays, Chromecast, compatible lights, cameras, and more.

Amazon Echo is a smart speaker, which means it does more than play music. With Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa, Echo can tell you about the weather, create shopping lists, help you in the kitchen, control other smart products such as lights and televisions, and a lot more.

Google Home and Amazon Echo Similarities

Both can do all basic smart features on command like playing music, streaming songs or radio, setting a reminder, controlling smart home devices (like the smart bulb, smart TV, security camera, and another compatible app), and ordering items online and more.

Active voice command, control, and response which is activated by Okay google for google home, and Alexa (or echo, or amazon) for Echo. There are also options to change the voice gender to either male or female just as we have in Siri.

Asking the question about just anything easily which can be about football, fixtures, random searches, internet and websites access with voice search. You can also ask google home to give you information about anything online. For instance, you can ask about an event, about a person, about a country, and any questions you need quick answers to.

Streaming music from any platform like iHeartRadio, Pandora, TuneIn, Spotify, amazon music, and YT music are all connected to both. However, Spotify works on google home without a premium account while you need a premium subscription for use on amazon echo though you can use amazon music as an alternative.


Second-generation echo has better distance hearing and better building mics while you need to be closer to google home to hear you

Amazon Echo produces a dipper bass audio, powerful audio, and the ability to fill a room with directional sound, thanks to the angled drivers.

Google home is easier to talk to, and without having to frame your words in a particular way has better and more natural conversation commands in context. You can ask google home many questions and it will read the answers directly to you.

Echo is better in design and has more integration with third-party functionality. Echo is powered by the Alexa voice assistance which pulls it is connected to and, pulls its data from Wikipedia. Google Home on the other hand is connected to… google of course which gives it a wider range of data and more accurate answers to questions

Google Home Vs Amazon Echo: Which is Better?

The one you can choose between amazon echo ($70) and google home ($100) will be based on both your purpose of buying and the smart gadgets you already own. If you intend to use it as a music box for clear sound quality and a loudspeaker, then you might want to go with the amazon echo. For a wide range of AI access, wide operations, online assistance, and flexible usage, then you go with google home. Most importantly, if you have other smart home appliances, check their AI assistance compatibility; most do come with Alexa which they’ll work well with the Amazon Echo (powered by Alexa).

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