Many of our contractors tried to start their own mobile computer repair business at one point or another. By partnering with us, we took a lot of the headache out of their business. Now they can focus on staying up to date with the current technology and providing amazing tech support to customers. They found that running a business is hard and trying to make it sustainable is even harder. With many aspiring technicians interested in starting their own computer repair business, we review a few of the difficulties and some tips to remain successful.

The mobile computer repair business is has a stigma surrounding it. If you’ve been in the industry, you’re aware of the plethora of computer repair services on google. You’ll find everything from apple computer repair in Calgary to commercial IT support in rural areas. It seems everyone is providing this service. Notwithstanding, a mobile computer repair business can be successful. There is something about having a local guy down the street that drives confidence. You just don’t have that same feeling with big-name maintenance service providers. A local mobile computer repair service will come onsite or make house calls. This gives you the chance to meet the urgent needs for the mobile computer repair in Calgary. Don’t be too daunted by the competition. Starting your own mobile computer repair business in Calgary has plenty of growth potential.

A mobile computer repair business can be a viable and a profitable endeavor. If you wish to start up with your own repair business, then you should definitely read on. Our contractors give you a few pointers to help your business to thrive.


1- Know the value of your services

One of the most important tasks of a business is the pricing. That is, the price a mobile computer repair service provider should charge when considering the cost of travel, the expertise provided, and the time spent. Keep in mind that there is already a myriad of competitors in the market. When you create pricing for your computer repair business should charge a fee competitive with the market. Put on a detective hat and search the prices offered by the prevailing competitors. Give a quick call and go get a few quotes. Then finally set an competitive and fair price for your services depending on YOUR position in the market.


2- Fixed price for quick and easy jobs

Those who need mobile computer services are generally the type that won’t attempt to fix minor problems themselves for the fear of damaging their computer. Such problems can generally be fixed within a few minutes. Whether it’s a quick computer setup, or running a few quick updates, you should have a minimum fixed package. This should cover your costs, give you a profit, and show the value to the customer. Having a fixed price for minimal services allows you to maintain profit margin. This means you can still be compensated for your expertise, time, and travel. You will run into some customers that may complain about charging so much for a short repair; however, this is a great time to explain to them that you are charging that price for your expertise, the convenience of a house call, and the knowledge that allows you to work so quickly.


3- Keep track of past contracts

By doing mobile computer repair in Calgary you provide both installation and maintenance services to the residential and business customers. To enhance future profits and business, it is a good idea to keep track of your past contracts. Keep track of your computer installations and record when the next preventive maintenance service is needed.  This will give you an opportunity to reach out to the customer and remind them about the maintenance. One of the most popular tools for this tracking is a CMS i.e. Customer Management System. Definitely worth your investment.

In a nutshell, providers of mobile computer repair in Calgary can find this business viable and profitable for themselves. The tips above will help you get started. You may find yourself running into some difficulty on the administration side or managing customers and their expectations. We’ve partnered with many contractors to help them address those issues.  If you need a good example, find us under computer repair Calgary